On behalf of the brethren of The Royal Lodge of Friendship no. 278, I extend a warm fraternal welcome to all visitors to our website, whether a freemason or not. I hope you will find this site interesting and informative, whether you are interested in freemasonry generally, or wish to visit our Lodge.
The Royal Lodge of Friendship has a long history dating back over 225 years. There have been a number of notable members within its ranks, including Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, as well as, four recipients of the Victoria Cross. As our name suggests, we strive to extend the hand of friendship.
The lodge currently enjoys a diverse membership consisting of brethren from the United Kingdom, Spain, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Far-East and Gibraltar. The international character of the lodge has made it particularly appealing to individuals who have relocated to Gibraltar or southern Spain.
Please contact our Secretary, should you wish to visit or would like information about becoming a member. You will be made to feel very welcome.
With my warmest and heartfelt fraternal regards,
Stephen AJ Whatley
Worshipful Master 2023-2024
The Royal Lodge of Friendship meets eight times a year on the first Wednesday of February, March (Installation), April. May, June, October, November and December. Meetings are held at The Gibraltar Masonic Institute, 47A Prince Edward’s Road, Gibraltar - Click for map.
Please note: we recommend that visitors park in one of the main car parks in town and take a taxi to the G.M.I
We always welcome visitors so if you are a Mason holidaying in Gibraltar or Southern Spain why not pay us a visit? Potential visitors should contact the Secretary, W. Bro. S R Soobiah or P.O. Box 800, Gibraltar GX11 1AA (see Contact Us section).